Monday, December 26, 2016

Update! Married Life

It's been a while since I wrote on this blog. So, I thought that I should first catch you up on what's going on ...

March 2014: Spencer came home from his mission! We did that awkward handshake at the airport, but once he was released, we hugged and I didn't want to let go! The next day we went to the temple and spend time together. It was amazing! That Saturday he proposed and I said "yes!" It was SO GOOD to have my best-friend back!

Spencer with his family at the Airport

Spencer hanging out on my couch the day after Spencer came home with Lilly.

(First picture of us together again!)

The night we got engaged! -Before

I said "yes!"

(Stephanie, Spencer, George Slibsager {Spencer's former companion}, and McKinsey at Spencer's homecoming talk.)

We got married on July 27th in the Portland Oregon LDS Temple. Our reception was the next day.

September 2014: We added a new family member - Alister! He was such a dorky and cute puppie!

October 2014: we moved to Albany and I became a Mary Kay beauty consultant!
November 2014: I earned my Mary Kay car (which we picked up in February).

We had lots of fun in 2015! Including a roadtrip to Dallas, TX for Mary Kay Seminar. (I can't find any of the photos.) In October 2015, Spencer and I made the difficult decision to move in with family while we pay off debt.

Now we are less than a week away from the end of 2016 ...

To be honest, 2016 hasn't been a great year. We've had some ups and downs. Thankfully we are ending the year on a good note though! In August, Spencer and I started a LuLaRoe clothing business! It has been a blast and has blessed us so much! I'm very excited to see the changes that might come this next year! Also, starting next week Spencer, my sister, and I are starting the Fast Metabolism Diet! It's different from anything I've done before! I'm very excited!

 Christmas 2016

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Learning to be in the now

Throughout my life I have always struggled with wanting to be ten steps ahead. When I was a teenager, I couldn't wait to grow up and be an adult. So much so, that I left high school a few months before the end of my Junior year of high school, got a full time job, and move out on my own at 17 years old. I was young and should have been trying to be a kid, instead of trying to be an adult. I missed a lot of fun things because I was too busy growing up and thinking about the future. I always had a plan of how my life would turn out. Of course, life kept changing and it NEVER turned out the way I wanted it to. During my twenties, I've learned to accept that plans will change and I have learned to adapt to the changes. However, I still tend to plan ahead and sometimes get wrapped up in what may or may not happen in the future.

The other struggle I have is looking behind me. While I think seeing how far you have come is a good thing, dwelling on the past can be dangerous. In the scriptures there's the story of Lot's wife. They were told by the Lord to not look back, but she did and "she became a pillar of salt." (Gen. 19:26) I don't think I'll become a "pillar of salt" by reflecting on my past, but it can be harmful. I don't have the most pleasant of pasts. Since Spencer left on his mission, I've been working on facing my past and letting it go. Tonight I met with a church leader and had to talk about my marriage. As painful as that was, I had to do it so that I could start going forward to build my future with Spencer. But I did not dwell on it after the fact. I didn't beat myself up for what I did in my past and the mistakes I made along the road. I simply faced the past and then turned around and was happy to see where I am NOW. This evening I read a quote on Facebook that said, "My opinion is that God cares more about the future of your life, than he does about your past. He wants to forgive you and for you to forgive yourself." While overcoming a hard point in my life, I learned that part of repentance process is being able to forgive yourself and letting go. I know how hard that is and I'm still working on it. I'm learning to love myself as my Heavenly Father loves me!

So, why do I bring up all of this right now? Well, this week I've been thinking about where my life is at right now. I got injured at work in January. Since mid February, I haven't been able to work and have spent a lot of time in bed. My life hasn't been the most exciting. So, I started thinking a lot about the past and the future, but spent little time focusing on the now. I got very excited that Spencer and I will hopefully be getting married in a year and I started planning. Sadly, how I feel comes across strongly in my letters. If I'm depressed about the past and stuff, my letters aren't as upbeat. If my excited about wedding plans, then I want to write about it. However, near of those are things that Spencer needs right now and honestly, neither do I. I made a decision to stop spending so much time in the past and in the future! I decided to live my life right now! I can choose to be happy right now!

I know that Heavenly Father loves each of us individually and wants us to be happy! I'm thankful that Spencer has the opportunity to share that message with people every day! It's a great feeling to know that you are completely and unconditionally loved by your Father in Heaven who will ALWAYS be there for you no matter what! So, stop dwelling on the past and planning out the future. Stop and enjoy where you are now! My life isn't perfect, but it's my fairytale and I love it!

Here's a few photos of my handsome missionary! :)
Spencer about to burn a shirt to celebrate his one year mark!

Spencer (far left) and some other elders doing some service together. He loves doing service which is one of the things I love about him!

I love that smile!

Spencer with his district (I think?). Oh, by the way, he's a District Leader now!

Monday, February 18, 2013


Missionaries LOVE letters and packages! Spencer has said many times that  spoil him and he loves it! I thought I'd share some of the packages I've sent him!

Easter Care Package with cookies and fresh baked bread!

Two ties I sent with paper, envelopes, stamps, and a photobook for his birthday!

6 month care package!!!

Christmas PJ Pants I sewed!
A "Christmas Kiss"
Mug for hot chocolate with scriptures
written on sides. :)

A fireplace I drew and then cut into
a puzzle.
Back of fireplace puzzle.

The puzzle done and
ready to send!

Name tag I made for his stocking.

Spencer's missionary stocking!

Almost everything that I put in his Christmas package (plus homemade cookies)!!!
This was also a "Happy Anniversary" package too!

In January, I sent a "sunshine package" to help encourage him!

Exploding box with reasons
why he has my "heart"!

My "Heart"

Top of box!

Box with Heart

Package all together.

Soon I'll be sending his 1 YEAR package! Then Easter and then his birthday! WOW! Time is flying by!

Where I am now...

I haven't posted on this blog in a LONG time, but it isn't because I stopped waiting or anything. It's because life has been busy. So, here's an update ...

September: Spencer hit his 6 months on the mission and I decided to move home to Oregon to be closer to his family and go to school.

October: I moved home and started looking for work and a place to live. His mom found out that we are engaged and didn't like it. :( Spencer started writing me again and even sent pictures! :)

November: I got two jobs! I decided to keep one of them and go to school. I struggled with his family some. Sometimes it seemed like I was a part of it and sometimes it felt like I was a stranger that they didn't want around.

December: I sent Spencer a HUGE Christmas package! He loved it! I became closer to his family and started feeling like I was part of the family. I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day with his family! I even got to skype and talk on the phone with him!!! It was exactly what I wanted for Christmas!!!

January: I started school fulltime and working 40+ hrs a week. I turned 29 yrs old!!! I celebrated with his family! Spencer sent me a funny birthday card and made me smile! I sent Spencer a "Sunshine Package" and he LOVED it! :) One of Spencer's investigators is waiting for a missionary that's serving in the mission I live in. She found me on Facebook and we've become friends!

February: I got my own apartment! (Kinda scary to think that it's mostly "our" future apartment together.) I got accepted to OSU!!! (Oregon State University) I sent an AWESOME Valentine's Day package and planned a "heart attack" switch with my friend (Spencer's investigator) in Pennsylvania. We "heart attacked" each others missionaries. :) It was so much fun! The day after V-day, I got a card with a letter and 2 memory cards with pictures and videos!!!

This past Saturday, I had something very scary happen. I woke-up from a nap and couldn't move my leg or even wiggle my toes. I texted Spencer's mom and his parents came and helped me. They called the paramedics and stayed with me at the hospital through it all! That day was the first time his mom referred to me as her future-daughter-in-law. She was there for me when my own mother wasn't able to be. His family has become family to me and I love them SO MUCH!

Now, I'm waiting for find out if I'll need back surgery. But NO MATTER WHAT my life is still a fairytale because Heavenly Father gave me Spencer! :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I LOVE to write letters! I always have! I haven't always been that good at it. I hardly wrote my brother on his mission or friends on their missions, but when I am writing about how I feel, I can write for hours (and I do).

For Christmas last year, I didn't have much money, but I wanted to give Spencer something for his mission. So, I made a binder to hold letters in while he is on his mission. HE LOVED IT! He has written since to say that he had to buy a bigger binder to hold all my letters. When I gave him the binder, inside was my first letter to him. I wrote a second one the day he received his endowments (I'll tell you about that day later :)!) and gave it to him the next day at church.

A few months before Spencer flew to Utah to go to the MTC, I flew across the country for a job. I started writing his "mission letters" the day I left. I wanted him to have a letter soon after arriving at the MTC, so I mailed them before he had even left. :) Since then, I try to write him EVERY day. I've missed like 5-7 days in the past 169 days since he left. I tell him about everything! My job, my dreams, my fears, scriptures I've read, books I'm readings, friends, family, ect. I want to share my life with him, so I do, through letters. :) I estimate that I have written over 400 pages of letters! And he's only been gone 5 1/2 months!

Thankfully, I get letters too! Spencer does not like to hand write things since he doesn't have very good handwriting, but he writes me! His first letter to me was in response to the letter I wrote him the day he got his endowments. I love that letter! In the 5 1/2 months he's been gone, he has only not written 3 weeks. Otherwise, he has written every week. :) I'm learning that I'm very spoiled! I love it! I made a binder to hold his letters to me and I also keep all the envelopes since we write messages on the outside of the envelopes.

Our letters mean so much to me! Often times, when I'm having a hard day or just missing him, I'll sit and his letters. They lift me up. :) So, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite parts of them with you...

"I miss you a lot but I know that we both need this time apart to grow both spiritually and in our relationship. I hope to receive many letters from you and can't wait to get them." 3/8/12

"It is amazing that in a week I will be in the field. I really don't feel prepared, but I know that the Lord will help me. He has helped me so much already. Last week I got really homesick. It was so bad that my district leader took me out of the classroom and talked with me... I will be glad to step off that plane and start my mission because I know that in about two years I will be stepping off that plane and pick you up in my arms and just holding you for ten minutes. I love you so much and will for eternity and a day." 3/20/12

"As I was sitting in the temple today, I was thinking about us and how that is our favorite place to go together. I was wishing you were there so we could go into the celestial room together and talk about life. I can't wait to see you kneeling across the alter from me and knowing that I get to be with you for eternity and a day. I was singing our song yesterday as I was studying. It still hold true that I won't let go. I love you so much and know that you are the one for me." 3/21/12

"I hope that your love for me is blossoming as much as mine is for you and I hope it will forever." 3/21/12

"You just made our day. We now have a plethora of candy in our cupboard. ... You have definitely made best missionary girlfriend of the year." 4/9/12

"Thank you so much for your testimony. I will treasure it up in my heart and maybe share it with someone in the future. Our testimonies are one of the most precious and beautiful things we have and as we share them they grow and help others to grow." 4/9/12

"Olive you so much. My love for you has increased so much that it cannot be contained. I say I love you .. (my full name) ... every night in my head before going to bed. A lot of the missionaries out here are prejudice against girls waiting for missionaries. Whenever I say that I have a girl waiting for me, 9 out of 10 will say "oh she will be gone within the first year." I tell them otherwise. I know better because our love is priceless and we have both prayed about it. So thank you so much for being an awesome girlfriend and I can't wait to see you across the alter in the temple." 4/16/12

"I love you. You spoil me so much and I love it." 4/23/12

"I love you so much. I always love this part of the week because I get to write the most beautiful girl in the world. A girl who will always love me and stay by my side. A girl that in always in tune with the spirit. I am so grateful we met." 4/30/12

There's many more, but you get the idea. He is head-over-heels in love with me and I am just as in love with him! His mission has only strengthened our relationship and made our love magnify! Wow! If I love him this much now, I can't imagine what it will be like when he comes home. :)

P.S. Hopefully, I'll get another letter tomorrow!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

He got his mission call and I fell in love!

In my last post I told you about the night things started happening between Spencer and I (Friday, December 2, 2011). To be honest I fought the feelings I was starting to develop for him. I mean I was just getting out of my marriage, he would be leaving soon on a mission, and then of course there was the fact that I'm 8 years older than him. However, for the next week we hung out together every day except Tuesday. We flirted, we talked, we held hands, we snuggled, and he begun to sweep me off my feet.

Friday, December 9th, 2011, is a night I will NEVER forget! I had invited a few friends over to have dinner and make Christmas cookies together. Of course, Spencer was coming and I was excited to see him. I got home and was cooking dinner anxiously awaiting all my friends to show up. However, they all cancelled for one reason or another. I texted Spencer to see why he was late and he said that he should be there as soon as he could. I finished making dinner and then sat on the couch in the living room, mad that he was late and no one else was coming. I sat and I waited. Soon I heard the back door in the kitchen open. It was common for my friends to just walk in through this door. Spencer walked into my living room with a HUGE smile on his face and announced "Dear Elder Wasden..." I knew what that meant, HE GOT HIS MISSION CALL!!! I jumped up off the couch and ran over to hug him. I attacked him so hard that he almost fell backwards. LOL! I was so excited for him! He would be leaving in 3 months. That seemed a long ways away.

We ate dinner together and talked. Then we started listening to different music on the computer. He searched for a song and hit play when he found it. He then stood up, offered me his hand, and asked if I would dance with him. He held me in his arms and we slow danced while he sung the words of the song sweetly to me. I wanted to kiss him right then, but was so confused about all these feelings I was having. When the song ended, I asked him why he had chosen that song and he said that it was because that's how he felt about me. Here's the song:


We spent the rest of the evening talking, listening to music, and he even signed (ASL) a few Christmas songs to me, which made me very happy since I had studied ASL in college and loved to sign. We just clicked together so well! We liked a lot of the same things and had many of the same dreams for our lives. 

As he was getting ready to leave, he gave me a hug and said, "Olive you." The night before we had been walking around a small town downtown and I said seen a restaurant called "Olive You" which I had read out loud and he had responded "Olive you too." I thought he was joking at the time so I laughed and kept walking, but now he was saying it again. I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing. 

 (Spencer and I the night we saw the "Olive You" restaurant.)

After he had left, I got ready for bed and then sat in my bed and wrote in my journal. Did I love him? Was all of this real? I had loved my husband Sherman with all my heart and part of me still did. Was I ready to fall in love again? To move on? I wrote about the night in my journal. As I wrote, I realized that I was falling in love with him! I also realized that I wanted to wait for him while he was on his mission. I didn't know what would happen between us, but I knew that there was a very special connection between us that I could not explain. I felt something with him that I had never felt with any guy before! 

My phone beeped and I looked at it to find a text from Spencer saying that he had made it home safely. I texted him back and said, "Well get some sleep and have sweet dreams! Good night. Olive u. :)" He wrote back, "Olive you too." We were falling in love!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Starting a new life

I decided to start this blog because I want to share my story. I plan on telling you about the good, the bad, and even the ugly of my life that have brought me here. Sadly, it is not all pleasant, but I want to share it to show that there is hope. You can overcome the struggles that come upon you in life. I do not claim to have the worst life, but I have had my share. I am an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (a Mormon). I hope you find hope in my story. Thank you!

For my first post I'd like to tell you what has happened in my life in the past year. It has been eventful...

 In June 2011, my husband (Sherman) and I were sealed in the temple for time and all eternity. I was so happy! I knew that meant that we would now be together for eternity, not just this life on Earth. I was wrong. :( At the end of July 2011, Sherman told me that he didn't want anything to do with the LDS church. He begun making choices that were very hard for me and rejecting me on a daily basis. We had been through a lot during our first year of marriage, but we loved each other. Now, he showed no love for me and seemed disgusted to even look at me, let alone kiss or show affection towards me. I felt like I was living in a nightmare that I couldn't get away from. My faith begun to waiver.

At the end of September 2011, Sherman moved to Utah to live with family and look for work. I moved in with my mom and her husband until Sherman found a place for us. That never happened. Two weeks later he texted me and told me that he didn't want to be married to me anymore. I was heartbroken! I loved this man with all I had and had promised to be with him forever, but now he didn't want me anymore. I felt as if my life had ended! I had no job, no home, soon no husband, no money, and my health was bad. I felt lost.

Thankfully the one thing I held onto was my knowledge that I had a loving Heavenly Father who would be there for me no matter what! Even though I had struggled with my faith, I chosen to turn to Him now and put my life into His hands. I am so grateful that I did! A few days before Sherman told me that he didn't want to be married to me anymore, I had gone to the temple and prayed. I asked for help and guidance. Heavenly Father answered that prayer, but not in the way I had thought He would at that time.

On October 21, 2011, a friend of mine from the local singles' ward invited to join her and a few friends for the evening. They were planning on going to a local haunted forest. I don't like scary stuff, but I needed to get out of the house and socialize, so I went. A guy (Will) who I had briefly dated prior to his mission and my marriage, but whom I had not seen since then, asked if I'd give him a ride. I said that I would because I wanted to talk with him. I will admin I thought he was very good looking when I picked him up. We drove to a local church building where everyone was meeting to carpool. That night I met someone who would change my life forever. Of course I didn't know it at the time, but I can still remember that moment. Will and I got out of my car when we got to the church. As we walked over to the group forming, I saw a very handsome young man who I didn't recognize. He had on tight jeans, a tan colored t-shirt, a jean jacket, and a baseball cap. He was a country boy! I noticed him, but I wasn't looking to date since I had just started the divorce process and was still upset about my marriage ending. His name was Spencer Wasden. We talked some, but mostly I spent the evening talking and flirting with Will.

(This is a picture taken the first night we met at Shari's after the Haunted Forest. I'm in the purple shirt sitting by Will. Spencer is on the far right.)

The following day I went to a service project and afterwards some of us decided to go to the haunted forest again. Will didn't come this time. I talked with Spencer more, but he was quiet. As our group walked through the forest, I was VERY scared. I am a scary cat! The night before Will had walked with me, but now I was alone. Out of nowhere Spencer came to my side and offered his hand. I took it and walked through the forest together. I was so thankful that he was there. At the end of the trail Spencer let go of my hand and walked away. I was a little sad, but then again I wasn't looking for anything.

Spencer added me on Facebook the next day and we chatted occasionally. A week later I went to a Halloween dance with the same group of friends. Both Will and Spencer were there. Soon after we arrived, a slow dance started. I was shocked when Spencer came up to me and asked me to dance. I hadn't planned on slow dancing at all that night. When I had gone to dances before I got married, guys never asked me to dance, I always had to ask them. I accepted and we danced. We talked a little, but I felt a little awkward dancing with someone other than my husband. Later in the evening I danced a swing dance with Will, but he didn't seem comfortable with dancing with me and ended the dance early.

Throughout the night my pain started getting the best of me and I would go sit in the hall to try to get it under control. Spencer would often come join me and talk. One time, Spencer, David (a friend I met that evening who was recently divorced), and I were talking about marriage. I remember turning to Spencer and giving him advice about marriage and who he should marry. He responded by telling me that he was putting his mission papers in soon and wouldn't have to worry about that for a while. I was shocked! I thought he was a returned missionary, not a pre-missionary. I asked how old he was and he said that he was 19. I was 27 yrs old.

 (At the end of the Halloween dance. David on left, me in center, and Spencer on right.)

Over the next month or so, Spencer and I became friends. He even went to go see Breaking Dawn with me as a friend. When I needed someone to talk to about everything that was going on, he was there to listen. Many times he listened to me cry about my husband and how I loved him so much and was so confused and hurt about everything. He would hug me and tell me that I deserved better. Will also spent more time with me. Will even seemed to get jealous when he found out that I went to a movie with Spencer. LOL! It was amusing!

I signed my divorce papers just before Thanksgiving. Afterwards, I prayed that I would be able to let go of my feelings for my husband and start moving on. On December 2, 2011, that prayer was answered. I was now living in my mom's house by myself. Often times everyone from the singles ward would come hang out on Friday and/or Saturday night. On that night we were going to go to the downtown area in the small town I lived in and look at all the galleries that were open, then everyone was going to come back to my place to hang out and watch a movie. I was going to go with everyone, but my back with hurting and it was very cold out, so I stayed home. When everyone started arriving, I went into the kitchen to cook up some food for everyone. I love to cook! As usual Spencer came into the kitchen to help me. He said that he didn't know that I had stayed home and if he had, he would have come hung out with me instead of going with everyone else. I thought that was sweet of him. We started talking and he told me that he was waiting to get his mission call any day. I was so excited for him! I told him I wanted to take a picture of us together so I could remember my friend while he was on his mission. I took the picture with my iPhone. As I looked at the picture I saw something. We looked good together. Like a couple instead of friends. I told him that if he was a few years older, I'd totally go for him. I guess that gave him the opening he had been waiting for.

 (The photo we took that changed everything!)

After we finished making dinner, we sat on the couch by each other and watched a movie with our friends. I can't even tell you what movie it was, but I remember what happened. I leaned my head against his shoulder and he put his head against my head. Then he held my hand. I don't think I can really explain the way it felt when we held hands. It was so familiar, like I knew that touch so well.

Looking back at that night, I have often said that I felt as if someone finally turned on a light. I finally saw Spencer in a way that I never had before. Since that night our love for one another has grown beyond belief! Later when I asked him when he first started liking me, he said that he started liking me the night he held my hand in the haunted forest, but he started to fall in love with me the night he held my hand on the couch. :)

There's much more to our story that I will share with you later. I will tell you though that he is now on a mission for 2 years! He has been gone 166 days now. I miss him every single day, but I know that our love for each other has only grown and I am so proud of his choice to serve a mission for the Lord. I write him everyday and he writes me once a week (except for 3 weeks he didn't write). I treasure each and every letter! I love you my love and I will for eternity!